Global Study Links 17 Million Deaths to COVID-19 Vaccine, Reveals 0.126% Mortality Rate

Denis Rancourt, a Canadian former professor of physics with over 100 publications in recognized scientific journals, together with three researchers – with professional expertise in microbiology, epidemiology, statistics and big data management – calculated the mortality rate for each dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. They used vaccination rates and excess mortality in 17 countries on 4 continents in the southern hemisphere.

According to the study, the mortality rate for the 17 countries is 0.126%. Based on this, the researchers estimate that a total of 17 million people on earth have died due to the vaccine up to September 2, 2023. This means that this iatrogenic (healthcare-induced) event had a mortality rate of 0.213%.

Denis Rancourt and co-researchers’ calculations are reported in the study “COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere”, published on September 17, 2023.

Source study: Up to 17 Million Deaths Linked to COVID-19 Vaccines Globally

Rancourt, D.G., Baudin, M., Hickey, J., & Mercier, J. (2023). COVID-19 Vaccine-Associated Mortality in the Southern Hemisphere. Correlation Research in the Public Interest. Retrieved from Published September 17, 2023.

Svindlande 17 miljoner dödsfall efter lanseringen av Covid-vaccinet, enligt en studie av dr Denis Rancourt, dr Marine Baudin och dr Jérémie Mercier – Se intervju med studiens författare

Researchers Find COVID Vaccines Linked to Increased Mortality

Read an article about the study in Epoch Times.

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22 responses to “Global Study Links 17 Million Deaths to COVID-19 Vaccine, Reveals 0.126% Mortality Rate”

  1. Charlotte Norling Avatar
    Charlotte Norling

    A disgrace to Alfred Nobel and to all the population of the earth that these are rewarded for something that has only created suffering and death

    1. Alan J Mattingly Avatar
      Alan J Mattingly

      Nothing more than a bio weapon used against the nations of the world…..pathetic.

  2. Barbara Rehberg Eintrei Avatar
    Barbara Rehberg Eintrei

    Stop mRna . It means sickness and death.

  3. Li Bergenstråhle Avatar
    Li Bergenstråhle

    I say as Charlotte Norling “A disgrace to Alfred Nobel and to all the population of the earth that these are rewarded for something that has only created suffering and death”

  4. Anna Brock Avatar
    Anna Brock

    It’s terrible, even the thought, that they should be awarded !!!

  5. Peter Sköld Avatar
    Peter Sköld

    Stop mRna . It is proved to cause sickness and death.

  6. Ann-Christin Petersson Avatar
    Ann-Christin Petersson

    Stop the covid vaccines now!!!

  7. Birgitta Aller Avatar
    Birgitta Aller


  8. Lois Cameron Avatar
    Lois Cameron

    How are all the leftover vaccines disposed of? Once people’s eyes began to open and done critical thinking took place, the booster upon boosters were rejected. The developers and promoters certainly do not deserve anything other than jail time… least of all the Nobel Prize. It degrades the purpose of the prize. Very disparaging.

  9. Cynthia Smith Avatar
    Cynthia Smith

    A Travesty.

  10. Absurdo sabermos que é cum veneno e, que esses ganhadores SABIAM DE TUDO, qual seja, SÃO CÚMPLICES DE “ASSASSINATOS”, pois sabedores, assumiram o risco de, mesmo assim fazê-lo…E, são PREMIADOS???👍🇧🇷

  11. Karin Zeoander Avatar
    Karin Zeoander

    Stop mRna. Stop killing and hurting people.

  12. Fatima Sonko Avatar
    Fatima Sonko

    The world is crazy! Do a research on how many that are injured or have died due to the C-shots and compare it to how many that got seriously sick or died of ( not with ) covid.
    Somone is making great money on this and they’re in the same maffia.

  13. Jette Svensson Avatar
    Jette Svensson

    Go many people, have died from the vaccine. It should be stopped

  14. Olaf Borghoff Avatar
    Olaf Borghoff

    Pengar korrumperar,skam över Karolinska Institutet,Gudarna i vit som inte vill erkänna sina fel,Nobelstiftelsen och Sverige.

  15. I can´t see anything happening when I push the button sign!

  16. Anna Grönblom Avatar
    Anna Grönblom

    Stop mRna!

  17. Guilherme Gomes Avatar
    Guilherme Gomes

    These criminals, from top to bottom of the cabal, must be judged at the speed of… JUSTICE.
    What are we waiting for? Complete enslavement?

  18. Ülle Kollaard Avatar
    Ülle Kollaard

    Peatage palun see eksperimentaalne mRna. Nende kurjategijate üle tuleb karmilt kohut mõista. Õiglus peab võitma.

  19. Here’s my interview with Dr. Rancourt and team (absent Joseph Hickey) from Nov. 19, 2023, on their paper:

    1. Nobel Prize Protest Committee Avatar
      Nobel Prize Protest Committee

      Thank you very much for the link to the interview. We will make an article about it on the site.

  20. […] mRNA tekniken som används i covidvaccinen. Ett upprop, en hemsida och en ljusvaka till minne av de 17 miljoner människor som beräknas ha dött globalt av covidvaccinen anordnades i Stockholm och på 14 platser i sex […]

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